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Planning Board Minutes 08/29/2013
August 29, 2013
Public Hearing

Members & Staff Present:           
Chris Condon (Member)   Jesse Lazar (Chair)                  Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)   
Martha Pinello (Member) Sarah VanderWende (Member)   Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)
Diane Chauncey (Secretary)         Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)

Members & Staff Absent:     
Steve MacDonald (Member)        Janet McEwen (Alternate)   
Public Attendees:
Thelma Nichols  Wayne Nichols   Margaret Warner Susan Stalbird
Steve Jones             Al Gould

7:00 PM Public Meeting:
Application for an Excavation Permit and Site Plan Review for property owned by SR Jones LLC on Clinton Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 233, Lot 44 located in the Rural District.

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7:01pm. Mr. Levesque recused himself. The Public Notice was read. Ms. Ogilvie stated that the submitted information could be accepted in order to move into the Public Hearing.

Excavation Application Checklist
(The checklist is part of the permanent record stored in the Town Hall)
The 32 items were satisfied, waived or not applicable.

Site Plan Review Requirements Checklist
(The checklist is part of the permanent record stored in the Town Hall)
The 12 items were satisfied, waived or not applicable.

Public Hearing:

Mr. Jones stated that his Excavation Pit had existed for many years. He said that the pit was a small operation and that not much has changed.

Chair Lazar asked if Board members had questions.

Mr. Condon asked when the pit operation had begun.

Mr. Jones stated that it had started sometime in the 1970s.

Chair Lazar asked for comments from abutters.

Mr. Gould said that he had the longest border on the SR Jones pit and that he saw no reason why the permit should not be approved.

Mr. Nichols stated that he had an artesian well within 75’ of the lot line and that he was concerned with blasting. He said that there had been a past lot line adjustment which had doubled the size of the pit and that he felt the artesian well should be depicted on the plan.
He also stated that he did not want a rock crusher placed next to his lot. He said that he wanted to ask his questions now because he may not get another chance.

Chair Lazar stated that there would not be no stone crushing – just stockpiling of loam.

Mr. Jones stated that blasting is required to follow code and that there are pre-blast inspections.

It was determined that the well would be marked on the plan by Mr. Nichols and Mr. Jones.

Mrs. Nichols asked the location of the Excavation boundary line.

Mr. Jones stated that it would not go any further than the current line.

Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were satisfied with the above stated.

Ms. Warner stated that she had no problems with the pit as long as it stayed the way it is.

The Public Hearing was closed.


The Board members stated that the blasting must follow the regulations and that the well shall be indicated on the permanent plan within 30 days. The conditions were discussed.

Mr. Webber moved to approve the application for Excavation Permit for a previously approved excavation and Site Plan Review for the stockpiling of materials at the site on property owned by SR Jones LLC on Clinton Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 233 Lot 44 located in the Rural District. The following conditions apply to this approval:

  • Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or their agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated October 6, 2005, November 3, 2005, and August 29, 2013 as they pertain to this application are a conditional party of this approval.
  • The applicant will report back to the Planning Board on the status of the project in two (2) years and no later than August 29, 2015, as per the Antrim Earth Excavation & Reclamation Regulations.
  • The artesian well on Map 233 Lot 39 (current owners – Wayne & Thelma Nichols) will be indicated on the permanent SR Jones Earth Excavation Plan.
Mr. Condon seconded.

MCEWEN (if appointed)

The motion passed. The Notice of Decision will be issued within five (5) business days.

Business Meeting

Review Ogilvie Checklists

Ms. Ogilvie had revised the “Change of Use” and “Home-Based Business” applications and checklists. They had been created as two separate documents and as a combined document. The Board reviewed the documents and needed to decide which option to adopt.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adopt the combined form. Mr. Webber seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Condon, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Vice-Chair Levesque, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Ms. VanderWende, yes; Mr. Webber, yes.

The motion unanimously passed.

CIP Update
The Secretary informed the Board that all the 2014-2019 CIP information had been delivered to the Department heads. The next meeting would occur on September 16, 2013.

Knapton Circle Update – remedial action plan
The Secretary explained that a remedial action plan had been reviewed by Mr. Craig, road agent. As of August 29, 2013, no action had been taken.

Policy for access of PB members’ personal info
The Secretary had been reluctant to give out the Board members telephone numbers and emails. The Board said the information was public and give the information out.

Conversion of Planning Board Files to Map and Lot
The Secretary explained that the case files for the Planning Department are filed by year and number (e.g. - 2013-01PB or 2013-01ZBA). The files go back to the 1970s. The Secretary stated that it would be more logical to file the cases by Map and Lot.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to authorize the conversion of the Board files to Map and Lot. Ms. Pinello seconded the motion. By a voice vote, all were in favor. The motion passed.
Ms. Chauncey said it would take a while to accomplish the task.

Approve August 1, 2013 minutes
Ms. Pinello moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Condon seconded. The minutes were approved, as amended, by all but Mr. Webber who abstained.


  • Town of Mont Vernon Notice of Public Hearing – Notification for an abutting town – application proposal to replace an existing 180’ cell tower with a new tower of the same height 7PM August 13, 2013
  • FERC Project # 6597-013 NH Monadnock Hydroelectric Project – Notification for an abutting town -  Request for endangered species list
Workshops & Trainings:

  • 2013 Municipal Law Lecture Series – Land Use lectures - FYI
  • Any interest in workshop on Flood Insurance Maps? – No interest
Other business:

Francestown ZBA Variance for Crotched Mt Lighting – By consensus, the Board members requested that if regional impact notification was sent to the Town Hall, the Board should be notified as well as the residents (Antrim list serv)

Broadband Mapping and Planning – The Board was interested in what would be involved for all of Antrim to have broadband access.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to meet again on September 19, 2013. Mr. Condon seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion.

At 8:15 pm, Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adjourn; Ms. VanderWende seconded. By a unanimous vote, the Board moved to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board